Toby Keith Announces Major Career News on Instagram

Toby Keith is unstoppable.The legendary country music singer recently announced major career news that has his fans stunned, particularly because of how major it is. In a recent Instagram post, the “Red Solo Cup” singer revealed to fans that he recently acquired the iconic bait and tackle brand, Luck E Strike. “Big news…Toby has acquired Luck E Strike, an iconic bait and tackle brand! The company will be relaunching this summer with new products and a new look (including some red, white, and blue packaging!), so make sure you follow @luck.e.strike to stay up to date.”More From Men’s Health play iconThe triangle icon that indicates to play.Fans were absolutely thrilled by the news, especially since learning in 2022 about Toby’s battle with stomach cancer. “Wow so big 😮,” someone commented. “You getting Luck E Strike is pretty exciting! Anxious to see what you do to perk it up,” another said. “Looking good, Toby! Continued healing thoughts going your way,” another person wrote. The brand is well-known throughout the industry, but had been put up for sale recently. Once Toby got wind of that, he knew he could bring back some magic to Luck E Strike. “They needed a new focus and vision and I happened to be standing at the door ready to pick up the pieces,” Toby said. The brand’s relaunch is set to hit this summer, and Toby is hoping to bring some new “rod-and-reel combos, apparel, fishing tools and tackle systems” to customers. “We will put this brand back at the level it deserves,” he said. You can guess what that means: a ton of red, white, and blue-themed pieces.

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